Procedures for the FATF Fourth Round of AML/CFT Mutual Evaluation
FATF Recommendations and Interpretive Notes
FATF Methodology
FATF Third Round Process of AML/CFT Mutual Evaluation
FATF 40 Recommendations
FATF Methodology for Assessing Compliance with the FATF 40 Recommendations
FATF Recommendations 2012 (Updated October 2021)
Consolidated Processes and Procedures for Mutual Evaluations and Follow-Up (Universal Procedures)
BCBS, CPMI, FATF and FSB welcome industry initiative facilitating correspondent banking
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Measures and Financial Inclusion
Best Practices on Combating the Abuse of Non-Profit Organisations
Best Practices Paper: The Use of the FATF Recommendations to Combat Corruption
targeted financial sanctions related to terrorism and terrorist financing (recommendation 6)
politically exposed persons (recommendations 12 and 22)
The Implementation of Financial Provisions of United Nations Security Council Resolutions to Counter the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
National money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment
Revised Guidance on AML/CFT and Financial Inclusion
Managing the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorirst financing policy implications of voluntary tax compliance programmes
Best Practices on Confiscation (Recommendations 4 and 38) and a Framework for Ongoing Work on Asset Recovery
Operational Issues - Financial Investigations Guidance
Best Practices Paper on Recommendation 2: Sharing among domestic competent authorities information related to the financing of proliferation
Best Practices on Trade Based Money Laundering
Guidance on Capacity Building for Mutual Evaluations and Implementation of the FATF Standards Within Low Capacity Countries
International Best Practices: Detecting and preventing the illicit cross-border transportation of cash and bearer negotiable instruments (SR IX)
International Best Practices: Combating the Abuse of Alternative Remittance Systems (SR VI)
Guidance for financial institutions in detecting terrorist financing
Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers
Risk Based Approach Guidance for Legal Professionals
Risk-based Approach for the Accounting Profession
Risk-based Approach for Trust and Company Service Providers
Risk-based Approach Guidance for the Life Insurance Sector
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Casinos
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Trust and Company Service Providers(TCSPs)
FATF Guidance on the RBA for TCSPs
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Accountants
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Real Estate Agents
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Real Estate Agents
RBA - High Level Principles and Procedures
Risk-Based Approach to Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service Providers
Risk Based Approach Guidance for Legal Professionals
Risk-based Approach for the Accounting Profession
Risk-based Approach for Trust and Company Service Providers
Risk-based Approach Guidance for the Life Insurance Sector
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Casinos
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Dealers in Precious Metals and Stones
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Trust and Company Service Providers(TCSPs)
FATF Guidance on the RBA for TCSPs
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Accountants
FATF Guidance on the Risk-Based Approach for Real Estate Agents
FATF Guidance on the RBA for Real Estate Agents
RBA - High Level Principles and Procedures
Egmont Group Charter
Principles for Info Exchange
Operational Guidance
EG Partnership with Observers & International Partners
19th Heads of FIUs Resolution
20th EGMONT PLENARY 2012(Co-Chairs-Statement)
21st EGMONT PLENARY 2013(Co-Chairs-Statement)
Co-Chairs Statement, 23rd Egmont Group Pleanry,Bridgetown, Barbados
Co-Chairs statement, 24th Egmont Group Plenary, MACAO
Co-Chairs statement, 26th Egmont Group Plenary, The Hague, The Netherlands
APG Strategic plan(2020-2024)
APG Terms of Reference(2019)
APG Business plan(2013-2014)
APG Business plan(2016-2017)
APG Business plan(2017-2018)
APG Strategic plan(2012-2016)
APG Strategic plan(2016-2020)
APG Business plan(2019-2020)
APG Business plan(2020-2021)
UN Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1998)
UN International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism(1999)
UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime(2000)
UN Convention against Corruption(2003)
UNSCR 1267(1999)
UNSCR 1989
UNSCR 2253
UNSCR 1718(2006)
UNSCR 2231
UNSCR 1988
UNSCR 1373(2001)